These are not the Donkey Basketball pictures you've been clamoring for, but since we were busy hazing new photo Louie Traub, we had to rely on the picture-taking-stylings of Doug Barker, managing editor and big-time laugher.
And then there's this:
Isn't that just precious of lil ole Anne?
We lost, even after I went all Bobby Knight. I blame the guy in charge of the scoreboard. He's an employee of the company we were playing against (I won't even dignify them with a name.) Sadly, the forces of evil cheated their way to victory. I tried, but I just didn't feel right about dragging people off their donkeys (although I could have).
That's Anne (our soccer-mom-in training, she brought the juice and Gushers), Louie (with the tongue out, this was his first newsroom bonding experience) and Jordan (our would-be Tookie Williams).