Friday, April 20, 2007

The mAss Media

These are not the Donkey Basketball pictures you've been clamoring for, but since we were busy hazing new photo Louie Traub, we had to rely on the picture-taking-stylings of Doug Barker, managing editor and big-time laugher.

Donkey Chaos

And then there's this:

Anne and the dumbest donkey

Isn't that just precious of lil ole Anne?

Revenge of the Donkeys

We lost, even after I went all Bobby Knight. I blame the guy in charge of the scoreboard. He's an employee of the company we were playing against (I won't even dignify them with a name.) Sadly, the forces of evil cheated their way to victory. I tried, but I just didn't feel right about dragging people off their donkeys (although I could have).

The mAss Media

That's Anne (our soccer-mom-in training, she brought the juice and Gushers), Louie (with the tongue out, this was his first newsroom bonding experience) and Jordan (our would-be Tookie Williams).