Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blog post with teeth

So I got my teefies cleaned today. My hygienist, Terri, told me they are great, barely scraped me with her poky metal wand of unbearable screech-making and sent me on my way. AFTER the dentist told me I need a crown to replace a big old filling. I am putting it off till May. Then I will have to make the AWFUL choice about whether I want to get the sweet, sweet embrace of Morpheus' gas OR watch a movie during the 1.5 hours of "shaving down" my tooth.

I want every distraction I can get, frankly.

So in May I'll have to come up with the perfect movie for getting a crown to. It will need to be involving (obvs) without being too scary (duh) or too emotionally fraught/talky. I am up for suggestions.

In the meantime, I have posted some preliminary France pics from the honeymoon on my Flickr page with commentary.

I like rose, especially in Montmartre

I learned to like pink wine in France, BTW.

I also learned that the French like it when buskers play music like I play in the banjo band:


(You can't see all the people clapping from this pic, but believe me, there was a crowd!)

I also learned about 3/4 through the trip that Ray understands and speaks French a lot better than he was letting on. When I asked him why he'd been letting me take the lead, he explained that he thought I was "cute" and liked the way I gesticulated with my hands while talking.

Another cute thing about Ray: At the Louvre, when we saw the Venus De Milo, he told me he thought her body looked exactly like mine. He appended, "not like skinny, but strong." He gets a lot of brownie points for those observations. What woman wouldn't want to be compared to Venus???

Yeah, this marriage just may last out the year. ;)