Saturday, April 29, 2006

4.15 lousy miles?

Apparently that's what it is to run from my apartment down to Old Town up the insane 30th Street hill (well, mostly walked at a brisk pace, that hill was) across Union, down 21st Street to I and then back down 2nd to Tacoma Avenue according to this helpful website. And no, Tacoma streets are not like the East coast, where flatness prevails and the platting was done by visionaries like William Penn so going from 2nd to 30th isn't a big deal.

Running is not my sport. I am so glad I'm not training for a marathon. The thought of doing that just fills me with vicarious nausea in the Sartre sense — the idea that I have the capacity to sign myself up for running a marathon makes me sick to my stomach. Also my left knee, both feet and ankles and my right shoulder (which will take any excuse to hurt) feel bad just thinking about it. Still, the last two miles of running were pretty easy and I didn't even really have breathing problems at all. If only the S2N were as flat.

If only the whole fitness transformation thing were working out in other respects; my body has lost and regained and lost and kinda regained a bit of the same five pounds. I think the real secret is to eat Cheerios instead of FMW for breakfast if you want to shed weight. They have fewer calories. Besides, you can always eat FMW for dinner. I do.

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