Saturday, January 24, 2009

Banjo Madness

So Tuesday I had a banjo band practice and I now am learning songs from two books.

After practice, I helped a frail and very elderly lady to her car, carrying her stuff for her. She tried to unlock her door but it was stuck, I tried to unlock it for her but it remained stuck. After 5 minutes of futzing with the door we decided to throw her stuff on the passenger seat from the driver's side. She was saying stuff like, "I'm going pretty good now, but my knees are on fire!" I felt so bad for her.

Another woman who had come to help her, and seemed mere minutes away from that same level of frailty, took advantage of the first lady's hearing loss to yell this to me over the top of the first lady's car as she got in:

"One time we went to a playout, and (name redacted) lost her teeth and glasses! She was like this (sucks in lips and squints)!"

I wondered what would happen to her once she got home, but since that's where she's most adapted and comfortable, I suppose she was better off.

Getting old is not for the faint of heart.

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