Thursday, May 12, 2005

Tacoma Freak Blogging/FOX is tearing my family apart

Today it was me, singing in my car with the windows down. Some Russian guys (I think) gently mocked me as they pulled alongside my car as "I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone" wound down. I think I retorted something really clever like, "Yeah, it's so funny, I know."

Man, I have a blazing wit.

Guatemala looks like it's in danger. The original media outlet that was all set to go (and I'm not naming any names but SOME people mock their national cable outfit as not being as much of those qualities that it bills itself as) has backed out. Dad is in full-on freak out mode. Well, not quite. But I bet mom is.

See, the way this is going to play out is that dad and I are going to end up going no matter what. Even if he has to just go to survey the program and maybe write a piece for the Heifer magazine (that's!). But then he'd be doing that somewhat less-critical task during the week of grandma's birthday and when out-of-town relatives will make it to itty bitty Lepanto (if you click you will notice that Lepanto has not been photographed by satellite that anyone would notice). And he would be taking her daughter and her mother's granddaughter away for very nearly naught. And that will make mom angry. And she will be mean to dad, and he won't know how to respond and he'll be mad and sulky.

Anyway, what this might boil down to is that that particular news channel is tearing my family apart.

Hopefully, some other news outlet (ABC? Seattle local affiliate (it's going to check out coffee fincas)? McNeil Lehrer? Our Lady of Literacy and Self-Discovery Oprah?) will be able to heal my family and make it whole. (Oprah? Please? I will jog with you and you will kick my butt!)

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