Monday, March 14, 2005

Dear Eric Alterman: I get it

You are not against Jewish people. You are not a "self-hating Jew." You were impugned by Cathy Young of the Boston Globe. I get all of that.

What I don't get is why you are obsessively posting every little bit of this slight and your response and the Globe's response and your responses to their responses and your readers' responses to all those responses for nigh on three weeks now. This has gone beyond the point where it is just asking the Globe for a simple correction. You have launched what I would call an "epic struggle of wills" that is probably slightly less retarded than the one I have going on with the paper delivery lady Lani.

It is not, however, any more interesting. In fact, you are coming off like a whinybutt. The Globe? Pompous. But we knew that.

Also, I do not consider it to be an interesting post when you post a critique of a Nation piece you wrote and your response to said critique *when the whole passage has been printed in the Nation in the first place.* Are you totally out of ideas or something? Don't you realize the people who read the first piece will likely read the followup on their own in the Nation or on its website?

I am considering taking you off my bookmarks unless you get more interesting and provocative. And fast.

Editied to add: Is this something about proving you have groupies? Because fine, YOU HAVE GROUPIES. Now quit grousing. It's embarrassing and also a little bit megalomaniacal to hope your point of view will be replicated and shared in by the editorial board staff of the Boston Globe.

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