Wednesday, February 09, 2005

BET Jazz is too white for me, Pt 3

I've been looking at the BET Jazz show list and its condescending educational tone is offputting. It sounds too white. Of course, it isn't like there aren't rafts of condescending educators of color out there, but once you start thinking about how honkified BET Jazz is, the honkicity starts pervading everything. All you see is white.

Maybe I need to wait until they start showing R&B and Hip Hop videos to recalibrate my sense of BET as actual Black Entertainment Television.

Nope. It isn't working. All the sudden the excessive materialism and commercialization of the lyrics and images, the treatment of women as sex objects, the demands by female artists (Christina Milian, Lil Kim, I'm looking at you) to be treated in a solely sexual way by their audience, it all seems like a white conspiracy. It reeks of honkitude.

Damn you, BET Jazz.

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