Saturday, February 26, 2005

Hottest thing I saw today

Though I don't mean that metaphorically. I mean it ironically.

I was driving down 6th Ave. headed for a party at Fire Engine #9, a local brewpub, and saw a big old dude (he was what those in the euphamism business call "apple shaped") waiting for the bus. He was wearing gray sweats that were held up with suspenders.

Do Stacey and Clinton realize what they are up against?

Seriously, I'm pretty sure they are only interested in clothing those who are going somewhere besides on the bus to the halfway home. Which is kind of a pity.

Did karaoke again tonight. After two beers, an apple martini and two rum and cokes it's a lot easier to do. Nancy, who is the wife of Mark the fitness instructor, said I was bringing in people from other rooms in the bar. I think they were trying to get a drink. I am really a terrible singer. Denise, who has too much pep to be believed and is quite the extrovert, is adamant that she won't karaokify in front of people. This is a woman who spends hours each day encouraging people to follow her lead as she does lunges, squats, legovers and jumping jacks. Seems to me like a three minute song would be the easiest thing in the world after leading a cardio session.

Shawn, a fellow traveler in the Y exercise realm, sang some songs too. His wife, Diona (not sure I'm spelling that right) is a scream. Funny English prof. Julie and Pat got back from hanging out in southern Mexico. Linley kicked Ben's (Denise's hubby) you-know-what in pool. Wyatt and his wife Sarah are cool, too. I am fortunate to be in a class with such interesting, genuine people who do not think I'm a total freak, even though I was explaining to Ben and — Robert? I'm so bad with names — the addiction I have to Frosted Miniwheats. Seriously, they dominate my life at this point.

Although today promised to rain with some clouds, it turned sunny and clear. Everyone is concerned about the weather and what it means for electrical rates and water usage this summer. Last time there was an energy crisis out here it was partly manufactured, but because Enron got away with it, there was some real suffering. People are planning out their energy usage and getting ready to let their lawns croak. I'm sure there's an angle here for a story for me to write ... or two or three.

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