Monday, February 07, 2005

When I'm feeling

Low and woozy,
I slap a fresh clip in my uzi.

A lovely piece of poetry brought to you by Mattel, makers of G.I. Joe dolls. The above was allegedly penned by the guy from Cobra with the eyepatch and strange bucket helmet. Major Dredd? Ah, no, the website says Major Bludd.

When I first read it, I felt a little woozy too, because I didn't know what an Uzi was, but I figured it was a euphamism for something the toymaker shouldn't actually say. Of course, they wouldn't do that, but I was what, nine?, and I wasn't really one for scandal.

Of course, that poetry was no match for the stylings of Cold Slither, Cobra's propagandists. Witness:

Our name is Cold Slither you'll be joining us soon
A band of vipers, playing our tune
with iron fist and reptile hiss
we shall rule

This is the sort of detritus that has accreted in my brain. And the holes I can fill in with stuff catalogued on the internet.

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