Sunday, February 20, 2005

Dad's in China

And Thailand.

It's not that I'm saying its *unfair* that I'm the one who has casually pursued study of the Chinese language (verrrrrrry casually) and that I have an abiding interest in sex slavery in SE Asia (as in ending it and documenting it), that I have no fear of developing world situations and yet work in perhaps the most Wonder bread of places (not that Gig Harbor doesn't have its David Lynch moments — although they are few and far between), that I will eat just about anything with no fear and my father, well, kind of likes to work on his computer a lot (although he, too, will eat just about anything; once he ate some oreos my brother had slurped the cream out of). No, I understand dad worked really hard for the job he has.

I also understand it came to him when he was in his 50s.

I just hope it doesn't take me that long before I'm running supply lines to rebel forces, reporting back on the conflict that is tearing apart Lower Freakistan.

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